Well hey there, internets!
We've been pretty busy in the new year, hence the lack of posts. But rest assured, we here at the Sacred Well continue to get in new goodies and of course we'd love for you guys to come check em out!
One of the newest books we've picked up is one your humble webmistress insisted on getting a copy for herself: Spiritual Cleansing: A Handbook of Psychic Protection by Draja Mickaharic. If you find Dion Fortune just a little too complex and out there, this may be the alternative you've been looking for. Mickaharic lays out many unpretentious and effective methods for spiritual first aid, drawing from several different practical traditions.
While we're plugging good sources of news-you-can-use, I'd like to point ya'll in the direction of a podcast! It's free, it's informative, and it's entertaining! It's New World Witchery! The hosts are from the south of the USA, and so hoodoo figures quite strongly in their practice, but they both also studied Wicca and have a well-rounded approach to practical magic. I highly recommend the show.
That's all for now, dearies!
- Mama