Please come on down and check out our gift ideas, and we also have some new items in stock, some jewelery, sun catchers and more
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I remember Halloween.
( My favourite cover to date... )
Just in time for your webmistress' favourite day of the year, the Sacred Well is pleased to now be carrying candles for the dead. No, really!
Day of the Dead candles!
November second is the traditional Day of the Dead, celebrated along with All Saints Day on the first and All Souls Day on the second. No matter what your religious affiliation, it's an excellent time to honour those who have passed over.
There's even a candle for Papa Gede....
Papa Gede, aka/associated also with Barom Samedi or Baron Cimitière, is the Voudoun loa of death, sex, and resurrection. He and those of his family embody the creation and the conclusion of life. The Guédé are known for being crass party animals with a fondness for rum and tobacco. Death is, it seems, a horny prankster.
Not so bad, really.
Naturally, we've got the store all dressed up for the holiday...
If you dare come inside there's chocolate for those with a sweet tooth, and other treats for those with more expensive tastes. For example, along with our new candles we've also got in the full selection of Witches Brew oils!
The oils come in all the same scents as the Witches Brew candle: Witches Purse, Dragon's Blood, Evil Eye, Eye of Newt, Spellcaster, Amber Moon, and the original Witches Brew. (Your webmistress prefers this last one most of all.)
The holiday is almost upon us, so come on down and trick or treat.
Just in time for your webmistress' favourite day of the year, the Sacred Well is pleased to now be carrying candles for the dead. No, really!
Day of the Dead candles!
November second is the traditional Day of the Dead, celebrated along with All Saints Day on the first and All Souls Day on the second. No matter what your religious affiliation, it's an excellent time to honour those who have passed over.
There's even a candle for Papa Gede....
Papa Gede, aka/associated also with Barom Samedi or Baron Cimitière, is the Voudoun loa of death, sex, and resurrection. He and those of his family embody the creation and the conclusion of life. The Guédé are known for being crass party animals with a fondness for rum and tobacco. Death is, it seems, a horny prankster.
Not so bad, really.
Naturally, we've got the store all dressed up for the holiday...
If you dare come inside there's chocolate for those with a sweet tooth, and other treats for those with more expensive tastes. For example, along with our new candles we've also got in the full selection of Witches Brew oils!
The oils come in all the same scents as the Witches Brew candle: Witches Purse, Dragon's Blood, Evil Eye, Eye of Newt, Spellcaster, Amber Moon, and the original Witches Brew. (Your webmistress prefers this last one most of all.)
The holiday is almost upon us, so come on down and trick or treat.
Monday, October 18, 2010
October Update
Well Samhain is fast upon us! I just wanted to update and post some photos of our stock, I also wanted to mention that we are now carrying Healing Senses Essential oils. These oils are blended and are made in B.C., they are wonderful smelling.
Also the shop also has some wonderful gift ideas, as shown here
Rock Salt Fire Bowl
Witches Brew Candles
Witches Balls
Nothing Perfume (Made in Canada)
Beautiful Lanterns
Wish Pots
So do come in and check out all the wonderful things we have. We are also getting more books and other treasures.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Odds-N-Ends on the web.
Thanks to the ladies who came out to our Tarot Meet and Greet - it was a joy for us, and I think fun was had by all.
Your faithful webmistress will be spending more time physically in the shop over the course of the next six weeks, something I'm very happy about. I've noticed our customers really are an amazing blend of people: some are spiritual searchers, some have been walking their own path for years, and others just really want to buy some cool lanterns.
I've been on my own path for quite some time now (don't you dare ask how long, it will make me feel old) and consequently I've accumulated some pretty good resources on the web. I'd like to share some of these with you today.
The Cauldron Web Forum - this is an interfaith discussion board with an emphasis on research and debate. It is home to British Traditional Wiccans, eclectic Wiccans, Buddhists, Asatru, Reconstructionists, Druids, Chaos Magicians, witches, Christians, and pagans of all stripes. It is all inclusive, and a wonderful resource for anyone who enjoys intellectual debate. There's a good selection of articles too. For the seeker, I recommend the Pagan Primer, which tells you all about all those different groups I just mentioned!
Witches' Voice - The NeoPagan essay site. A variety of ever-changing personal essays from different viewpoints, from all over the globe. A good place to start networking as well.
Aeclectic - Probably the most comprehensive guide to Tarot on the web.
Pagan Book Reviews - written by pagan author Lupa (author of the amazing Talking About the Elephant among others) this site is one of my personal favourites when it comes to finding new reading material.
Cantrap - A site about magic. Magic not associated with any particular dogma - this is not to be confused with Wicca or any other pagan religion. Highly sarcastic.
I hope these prove as helpful to some of you out there as they have been to me.
Your faithful webmistress will be spending more time physically in the shop over the course of the next six weeks, something I'm very happy about. I've noticed our customers really are an amazing blend of people: some are spiritual searchers, some have been walking their own path for years, and others just really want to buy some cool lanterns.
I've been on my own path for quite some time now (don't you dare ask how long, it will make me feel old) and consequently I've accumulated some pretty good resources on the web. I'd like to share some of these with you today.
The Cauldron Web Forum - this is an interfaith discussion board with an emphasis on research and debate. It is home to British Traditional Wiccans, eclectic Wiccans, Buddhists, Asatru, Reconstructionists, Druids, Chaos Magicians, witches, Christians, and pagans of all stripes. It is all inclusive, and a wonderful resource for anyone who enjoys intellectual debate. There's a good selection of articles too. For the seeker, I recommend the Pagan Primer, which tells you all about all those different groups I just mentioned!
Witches' Voice - The NeoPagan essay site. A variety of ever-changing personal essays from different viewpoints, from all over the globe. A good place to start networking as well.
Aeclectic - Probably the most comprehensive guide to Tarot on the web.
Pagan Book Reviews - written by pagan author Lupa (author of the amazing Talking About the Elephant among others) this site is one of my personal favourites when it comes to finding new reading material.
Cantrap - A site about magic. Magic not associated with any particular dogma - this is not to be confused with Wicca or any other pagan religion. Highly sarcastic.
I hope these prove as helpful to some of you out there as they have been to me.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Our sincere apologies, but there has been an emergency cancellation of the Tarot Meet-and-Greet on Tuesday night.
Sandie has been called back to Winnipeg in order to look after her ailing father. We will reschedule the Meet-and-Greet for next Tuesday, September 28th, and we apologise profusely for the inconvenience.
Sandie has been called back to Winnipeg in order to look after her ailing father. We will reschedule the Meet-and-Greet for next Tuesday, September 28th, and we apologise profusely for the inconvenience.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Hoodoo? You do! (Do what?
(...remind me of the babe!)
I can't promise that will be the last David Bowie reference ever made on this blog. Moving on!
The Sacred Well is pleased to announce that we are now carrying Dorothy Morrison's Wicked Witch Mojo candles. These candles are both whimsical and effective, with names like Flying Monkey for protection. We plan to expand to include her line of mojo oils as well.
"Mojo?" some of you might be saying. "What in the heck is that?"
Mojo is a term you hear a lot if you learn anything about hoodoo or conjure. (Or if you listen to a lot of blues music, which is no coincidence.) Hoodoo is a form of folk magic that has its origins in the African-American community, particularly in the rural South. Hoodoo combines African-American belief with First Nations botanical lore, as well as some European folk practices. It is a living magical tradition, and one that is incredibly practical.
Unlike some other magical systems, hoodoo relies less on the idea of personal will and more on proper ingredients and procedure. This means that while there are many talented rootworkers in North America, for many concerns a person can do her own work. Furthermore, since hoodoo is a magical system and not a religious one, it can be used by people from all walks of life. (This is not to say hoodoo can be divorced from its roots – indeed it shouldn't be, and anyone with a serious interest in the subject would do well to read up on the topic.) Preloaded candles, like the Motor City Hoodoo or Dorothy Morrison candles stocked at the Sacred Well, have the advantage of being preloaded by someone who understands rootwork, meaning that you don't need to go searching for five finger grass or whatever else you may need; all you have to do is charge the candle and light it.
Your humble webmistress is quite a fan of preloaded candles as it cuts down on costs in the long run; essential oils aren't cheap, and many ingredients are hard to find. Candlemaking is also something I don't always have time to do. Most importantly, I have found the candles extremely effective; non-magical friends who have been given the Motor City Hoodoo candles as gifts also report success with them. In the end it's results that matter to your Mama Fortuna!

Hoodoo is a fascinating topic that can really only be touched upon in a blog post. For those interested in learning more, I would suggest the following titles:
Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic - by cat yronwode. This is quite possibly the definitive guide for anyone interested in pursuing rootwork, and an invaluable resource.
Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork - Harry Middleton Hyatt. This is unfortunately out of print, but if you can find a copy hang onto it!
Voodoo and Hoodoo: The Craft as Revealed by Traditional Practioners – by Jim Haskins. This one can be found on Amazon used fairly cheaply, but it costs a fair bit to buy new. Your webmistress is trying to secure used copies for the store.
The Magical Power of the Saints: Evocation and Candle Rituals and Charms, Spells and Formulas – by Rev. Ray T. Malbrough. These books are easy to read and manage to cover a fair range of topics, albeit concisely. Saints focuses on the use of Catholic imagery, and so may be well suited to those with a Christian background. (This might be more properly classified as a Santeria-derived system rather than strict hoodoo, with a fair dash of Western Ceremonial influence if the involved planetary hour charts are any indication.) Spells and Formulas focuses more on oils, washes, and gris-gris bags.
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo and Conjuring with Herbs – by Stephanie Rose Bird. This is the only book on the list your humble webmistress hasn't personally read; it appears to be an introductory guide geared more to those of a Wiccan persuasion.
I can't promise that will be the last David Bowie reference ever made on this blog. Moving on!
The Sacred Well is pleased to announce that we are now carrying Dorothy Morrison's Wicked Witch Mojo candles. These candles are both whimsical and effective, with names like Flying Monkey for protection. We plan to expand to include her line of mojo oils as well.
"Mojo?" some of you might be saying. "What in the heck is that?"
Mojo is a term you hear a lot if you learn anything about hoodoo or conjure. (Or if you listen to a lot of blues music, which is no coincidence.) Hoodoo is a form of folk magic that has its origins in the African-American community, particularly in the rural South. Hoodoo combines African-American belief with First Nations botanical lore, as well as some European folk practices. It is a living magical tradition, and one that is incredibly practical.
Unlike some other magical systems, hoodoo relies less on the idea of personal will and more on proper ingredients and procedure. This means that while there are many talented rootworkers in North America, for many concerns a person can do her own work. Furthermore, since hoodoo is a magical system and not a religious one, it can be used by people from all walks of life. (This is not to say hoodoo can be divorced from its roots – indeed it shouldn't be, and anyone with a serious interest in the subject would do well to read up on the topic.) Preloaded candles, like the Motor City Hoodoo or Dorothy Morrison candles stocked at the Sacred Well, have the advantage of being preloaded by someone who understands rootwork, meaning that you don't need to go searching for five finger grass or whatever else you may need; all you have to do is charge the candle and light it.
Your humble webmistress is quite a fan of preloaded candles as it cuts down on costs in the long run; essential oils aren't cheap, and many ingredients are hard to find. Candlemaking is also something I don't always have time to do. Most importantly, I have found the candles extremely effective; non-magical friends who have been given the Motor City Hoodoo candles as gifts also report success with them. In the end it's results that matter to your Mama Fortuna!

Hoodoo is a fascinating topic that can really only be touched upon in a blog post. For those interested in learning more, I would suggest the following titles:
Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic - by cat yronwode. This is quite possibly the definitive guide for anyone interested in pursuing rootwork, and an invaluable resource.
Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork - Harry Middleton Hyatt. This is unfortunately out of print, but if you can find a copy hang onto it!
Voodoo and Hoodoo: The Craft as Revealed by Traditional Practioners – by Jim Haskins. This one can be found on Amazon used fairly cheaply, but it costs a fair bit to buy new. Your webmistress is trying to secure used copies for the store.
The Magical Power of the Saints: Evocation and Candle Rituals and Charms, Spells and Formulas – by Rev. Ray T. Malbrough. These books are easy to read and manage to cover a fair range of topics, albeit concisely. Saints focuses on the use of Catholic imagery, and so may be well suited to those with a Christian background. (This might be more properly classified as a Santeria-derived system rather than strict hoodoo, with a fair dash of Western Ceremonial influence if the involved planetary hour charts are any indication.) Spells and Formulas focuses more on oils, washes, and gris-gris bags.
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo and Conjuring with Herbs – by Stephanie Rose Bird. This is the only book on the list your humble webmistress hasn't personally read; it appears to be an introductory guide geared more to those of a Wiccan persuasion.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
We are sad to announce that Sandie will be out of the store this week due to an illness in the family. The store will be open Tuesday-Thursday, regular hours; however, we will be closed on Friday.
We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for this understanding during this difficult time.
(Tarot readings are still available to be done by our guest readers.)
We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for this understanding during this difficult time.
(Tarot readings are still available to be done by our guest readers.)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Pick a card.
The Shadowscapes Tarot is out! This is a deck that several people we know have been lusting after since long before it was even completed - if you're a on DeviantArt you may have seen Stephanie Pui-Mun Law's beautiful artwork before and wondered, "when will this deck finally be finished?"
Well, like I said, it is! And we've got it in the shop! The artwork is truly stunning and this is sure to be a hit with longtime readers and novices alike.
I'm sometimes asked what the best deck for beginners is. Now, a million years ago when I first started reading, I had a truly hideous discount deck that I got from the bargain bin at Cole's. That's not what I would recommend, heh. Honestly probably the most universal deck, and the one on which most other modern decks are based, is the Rider-Waite. Learning the Rider-Waite gives one a foundation in tarot that allows for a deeper understanding of the archetypes commonly used, and an appreciation of symbolism. Now, that's not to say you can't just pick a deck based on how you respond to the artwork - you certainly can! That's how my sister did it, and that worked just fine for her. Really, picking your first deck (or any other after) is an intensely personal affair. The best thing to do is look at the cards and see if the images capture your imagination easily.
There are many books on tarot that can benefit both the beginner and the longtime reader. One of my personal favourites remains Rachel Pollack's 78 Degrees of Wisdom. Pollack references the Qabala, the ideas of Jung, and the concept of the major arcana as the Journey of the Fool all without ever coming off as dry or snobby. The book is accessible to all levels of expertise, and one that deserves a lifelong place on any tarot enthusiast's bookshelf.
(Incidentally, plans for our upcoming tarot class are in the works, and it looks like we'll be beginning those in September.)
Well, like I said, it is! And we've got it in the shop! The artwork is truly stunning and this is sure to be a hit with longtime readers and novices alike.
I'm sometimes asked what the best deck for beginners is. Now, a million years ago when I first started reading, I had a truly hideous discount deck that I got from the bargain bin at Cole's. That's not what I would recommend, heh. Honestly probably the most universal deck, and the one on which most other modern decks are based, is the Rider-Waite. Learning the Rider-Waite gives one a foundation in tarot that allows for a deeper understanding of the archetypes commonly used, and an appreciation of symbolism. Now, that's not to say you can't just pick a deck based on how you respond to the artwork - you certainly can! That's how my sister did it, and that worked just fine for her. Really, picking your first deck (or any other after) is an intensely personal affair. The best thing to do is look at the cards and see if the images capture your imagination easily.
There are many books on tarot that can benefit both the beginner and the longtime reader. One of my personal favourites remains Rachel Pollack's 78 Degrees of Wisdom. Pollack references the Qabala, the ideas of Jung, and the concept of the major arcana as the Journey of the Fool all without ever coming off as dry or snobby. The book is accessible to all levels of expertise, and one that deserves a lifelong place on any tarot enthusiast's bookshelf.
(Incidentally, plans for our upcoming tarot class are in the works, and it looks like we'll be beginning those in September.)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Local Happenings
First of all, we'd like to give a great big shout-out and thank you to Star FM! If you were listening the other day you might have heard shop proprietor Sandie on air, talking about the Sacred Well. Again, we'd like to thank Star FM for taking the time to support Chilliwack businesses and business owners. You might also have heard on-air that if you mentioned the interview when you came into the shop, you could walk out with a free votive candle. Come on down and visit us this weekend and mention this blog, and you can do the same!
We'd also like to thank all of the folk in town who have stopped by to say hello and check us out. Word of mouth is really the best form of advertisement, and we are delighted by how much positive feedback the store has been getting. That's thanks to YOU, and we appreciate it.
This Sunday of course is the Village Classic Car Show here in downtown Chilliwack. Rather than miss such a cool event, the Sacred Well will be open on Sunday, so drop on in and say hello or check out some of our new stock.
Speaking of new stock... we are very excited to now be carrying a selection of Coventry Creations candles and spell kits. This includes the Motor City Hoodoo candles, which are high on the list of our own Mama Fortuna's all-time favourites. Simply a must for anyone interested in conjure! We are also delighted to be carrying the 'Witches Brew' candles which simply cannot be beat in terms of long burning time and amazing scent. (Mama always has at least one burning at home.)
We've received more pendulums in, and also a selection of gorgeous paper lanterns. We have new oil burners and some wish pots, and new books and tarot decks as well. Remember that if there is a particular deck or book you're after but can't find, tell us! Chances are we can get a hold of it.
We have had several people express interest in taking a tarot workshop, and so we are planning to organise a beginners course in August/September. Details will be posted as soon as we gt that together, but if you are interested in such a course be sure to drop us a line via e-mail, this blog, or physically at the shop!
Hope you all had a great Summer Solstice, and enjoy that lunar eclipse tomorrow night!
We'd also like to thank all of the folk in town who have stopped by to say hello and check us out. Word of mouth is really the best form of advertisement, and we are delighted by how much positive feedback the store has been getting. That's thanks to YOU, and we appreciate it.
This Sunday of course is the Village Classic Car Show here in downtown Chilliwack. Rather than miss such a cool event, the Sacred Well will be open on Sunday, so drop on in and say hello or check out some of our new stock.
Speaking of new stock... we are very excited to now be carrying a selection of Coventry Creations candles and spell kits. This includes the Motor City Hoodoo candles, which are high on the list of our own Mama Fortuna's all-time favourites. Simply a must for anyone interested in conjure! We are also delighted to be carrying the 'Witches Brew' candles which simply cannot be beat in terms of long burning time and amazing scent. (Mama always has at least one burning at home.)
We've received more pendulums in, and also a selection of gorgeous paper lanterns. We have new oil burners and some wish pots, and new books and tarot decks as well. Remember that if there is a particular deck or book you're after but can't find, tell us! Chances are we can get a hold of it.
We have had several people express interest in taking a tarot workshop, and so we are planning to organise a beginners course in August/September. Details will be posted as soon as we gt that together, but if you are interested in such a course be sure to drop us a line via e-mail, this blog, or physically at the shop!
Hope you all had a great Summer Solstice, and enjoy that lunar eclipse tomorrow night!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tribal Gear
We're pleased to announce that we've managed to find a Canadian supplier of tribal bellydance apparel. (We try to keep things local if we can.)
The Sacred Well is proud to now carry Arwen's Apparel! We are now carrying both gypsy skirts and pants, both must-have additions to any tribal dancer's wardrobe.
The Sacred Well is proud to now carry Arwen's Apparel! We are now carrying both gypsy skirts and pants, both must-have additions to any tribal dancer's wardrobe.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Bellydance supplies.
Well, we made an excursion out of town and have returned with some lovely bellydance supplies: hip scarves, belts, cuffs, and skirts! These are available in a variety of colours and prices.
We are also placing an order for tribal 'gypsy' style skirts; unfortunately it looks like the supplier is currently out, but we hope to have some in come May.
Come on down and see what we've got!
We are also placing an order for tribal 'gypsy' style skirts; unfortunately it looks like the supplier is currently out, but we hope to have some in come May.
Come on down and see what we've got!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thank You!
Thanks to everyone who came out for our grand opening yesterday! It was lots of fun, and we're excited to be in the neighbourhood.
We're planning to try and pick up more tribal themed bellydance supplies tomorrow so we can have them in the shop this week.
We're planning to try and pick up more tribal themed bellydance supplies tomorrow so we can have them in the shop this week.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Grand Opening!
The grand opening for The Sacred Well is on Saturday April 17, 2010 at 10:00 AM!
Visit us at 46136 Yale Ave in downtown Chilliwack BC.
There will be free 3-card tarot readings offered and free oil samples for customers.
Stop on by and say hello!
Visit us at 46136 Yale Ave in downtown Chilliwack BC.
There will be free 3-card tarot readings offered and free oil samples for customers.
Stop on by and say hello!
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