Thanks to the ladies who came out to our Tarot Meet and Greet - it was a joy for us, and I think fun was had by all.
Your faithful webmistress will be spending more time physically in the shop over the course of the next six weeks, something I'm very happy about. I've noticed our customers really are an amazing blend of people: some are spiritual searchers, some have been walking their own path for years, and others just really want to buy some cool lanterns.
I've been on my own path for quite some time now (don't you dare ask how long, it will make me feel old) and consequently I've accumulated some pretty good resources on the web. I'd like to share some of these with you today.
The Cauldron Web Forum - this is an interfaith discussion board with an emphasis on research and debate. It is home to British Traditional Wiccans, eclectic Wiccans, Buddhists, Asatru, Reconstructionists, Druids, Chaos Magicians, witches, Christians, and pagans of all stripes. It is all inclusive, and a wonderful resource for anyone who enjoys intellectual debate. There's a good selection of articles too. For the seeker, I recommend the Pagan Primer, which tells you all about all those different groups I just mentioned!
Witches' Voice - The NeoPagan essay site. A variety of ever-changing personal essays from different viewpoints, from all over the globe. A good place to start networking as well.
Aeclectic - Probably the most comprehensive guide to Tarot on the web.
Pagan Book Reviews - written by pagan author Lupa (author of the amazing Talking About the Elephant among others) this site is one of my personal favourites when it comes to finding new reading material.
Cantrap - A site about magic. Magic not associated with any particular dogma - this is not to be confused with Wicca or any other pagan religion. Highly sarcastic.
I hope these prove as helpful to some of you out there as they have been to me.